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染色體在細胞的有絲分裂、減數分裂和受精過程中能夠保持一定的穩定性和連續性。這是最早觀察到的染色體與遺傳有關的現象。染色體的主要成分是 DNA和蛋白質。染色體是遺傳物質的主要載體,因為絕大部分的遺傳物質(DNA)是在染色體上的。也有少量的DNA在線粒體和葉綠體中,所以線粒體和葉綠體被稱為遺傳物質的次要載體。
凡不易受環境條件的影響、在一個群體內表現為不連續性變異的性狀稱為質量性狀(qualitative character),例如孟德爾所研究的豌豆子粒的形狀(圓滿與皺縮)、子葉的顏色(黃色與綠色)、花的顏色(紅色與白色)等等。質量性狀是受一個或少數幾個效應大的基因(稱為主基因)決定的,受環境影響較小,所以呈現非連續變異的、因而能對群體內的各個體進行明確分類的性狀。豌豆的花色、動物的性別、人類的各種血型系統等都屬於這類性狀。在遺傳研究中,由於質量性狀容易跟蹤,也常把它作為標記性狀。
凡容易受環境條件的影響、在一個群體內表現為連續性變異的性狀稱為數量性狀(quantitative character),又稱為計量性狀(metrical character)。在生物界中,與質量性狀相比,數量性狀的存在更普遍、更廣泛;農作物的大部分農藝性狀都是數量性狀,例如植物籽粒產量或營養體的產量、株高、成熟期、種子粒 重、蛋白質和油脂含量、甚至是抗病性和抗蟲性等.
由於質量性狀表現為不連續性變異,對於雜交後代的分離群體,能夠用孟德爾所採用的研究方法,根據所具相對性狀的差異,將各個體明確地分組歸類,可以求出各 類型間所包含個體數目的比例關系,並可用文字形容和描述各類型的特徵。
由於環境條件的影響,即使是基因型純合一致的兩個親本(P1和P2)和基因型雜合一致的雜種一代(F1),各個個體也呈現出連續性變異,而不是一種基因型只有一個值;這種同一基因型群體內個體間的變異是由環境條件造成的,是不能遺傳的。對於F2代群體,既有由於基因分離所造成的個體間基因型差異所導致的表現型變異,又有由於環境條件的影響所造成的同一基因型的表現型差異;前一種變異是可遺傳的變異,後一種變異是不可遺傳的變異。這兩種變異結合在一起,使得F2代群體的連續性變異比其雙親和F1代都更廣泛, F2代的變異系數(CV)明顯地比P1、P2和F1的大。因此,准確地估算數量性狀由基因型差異引起的可遺傳的變異和由環境條件引起的不能遺傳的變異,對提高數量性狀育種的效率是非常重要的。
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生物體性狀的相對穩定——遺傳和變異 在生物的繁殖過程中有一個引人注目的現象,即同種生物世代之間性狀上的相對穩定。種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。這就是生物的遺傳。在生物的繁殖過程中還有另一個引人注目的現象,即同種生物世代之間或同代不同個體之間的性狀不會完全相同。例如,同一個稻穗上的籽粒,長成的植株在性狀上也有或多或少的差異;甚至一卵雙生的兄弟也不可能一模一樣,這種差異是表現,就是生物的變異。 遺傳和變異是生命活動中的一對矛盾,既對立又統一。遺傳是相對的、保守的;而變異則是絕對的、發展的。沒有遺傳,不可能保持物種的相對穩定;沒有變異,也就不可能有新的物種的形成,不可能有今天這樣一個豐富多彩、形形色色的生物界。 由於遺傳物質的改變所引起的變異是遺傳的;由於環境條件的改變所引起的變異,一般只表現於當代,不能遺傳下去。也就是說,變異可分為兩大類:遺傳的變異和不遺傳的變異。這里要強調指出,這兩類變異的劃分是相對的。因為在一定的環境條件下通過長期定向的影響和選擇,由量變的積累可以轉化為質變,不遺傳的變異就有可能形成為遺傳的變異。 生物性狀的遺傳,以生殖細胞作為橋梁。即在配子形成過程中的減數分裂後,當配子形成合子時,又恢復了親代體細胞染色體的數目和內容。而DNA恰是染色體重要的成分,所以,染色體是DNA的主要載體,基因是有遺傳效應的DAN片段。 遺傳物質的變化發展規律,直接關繫到生命物質運動中的穩定和不穩定。遺傳物質的穩定傳遞,使生物表現出遺傳,這關繫到生物種族的穩定發展;遺傳物質的不穩定傳遞,使生物表現出變異,這關繫到生物種族的向前發展進化。這充分體現了生命物質(主要是核酸、蛋白質)運動和變化發展的一些重要規律。 遺傳物質的主要載體——染色體 染色體在細胞的有絲分裂、減數分裂和受精過程中能夠保持一定的穩定性和連續性。這是最早觀察到的染色體與遺傳有關的現象。染色體的主要成分是 DNA和蛋白質。染色體是遺傳物質的主要載體,因為絕大部分的遺傳物質(DNA)是在染色體上的。也有少量的DNA在線粒體和葉綠體中,所以線粒體和葉綠體被稱為遺傳物質的次要載體。 在遺傳學研究和育種實踐中,根據生物性狀在群體(自然群體或雜交後代群體)內的遺傳變異規律,將其劃分為質量性狀和數量性狀兩大類。 凡不易受環境條件的影響、在一個群體內表現為不連續性變異的性狀稱為質量性狀(qualitative character),例如孟德爾所研究的豌豆子粒的形狀(圓滿與皺縮)、子葉的顏色(黃色與綠色)、花的顏色(紅色與白色)等等。質量性狀是受一個或少數幾個效應大的基因(稱為主基因)決定的,受環境影響較小,所以呈現非連續變異的、因而能對群體內的各個體進行明確分類的性狀。豌豆的花色、動物的性別、人類的各種血型系統等都屬於這類性狀。在遺傳研究中,由於質量性狀容易跟蹤,也常把它作為標記性狀。 凡容易受環境條件的影響、在一個群體內表現為連續性變異的性狀稱為數量性狀(quantitative character),又稱為計量性狀(metrical character)。在生物界中,與質量性狀相比,數量性狀的存在更普遍、更廣泛;農作物的大部分農藝性狀都是數量性狀,例如植物籽粒產量或營養體的產量、株高、成熟期、種子粒 重、蛋白質和油脂含量、甚至是抗病性和抗蟲性等. 由於質量性狀表現為不連續性變異,對於雜交後代的分離群體,能夠用孟德爾所採用的研究方法,根據所具相對性狀的差異,將各個體明確地分組歸類,可以求出各 類型間所包含個體數目的比例關系,並可用文字形容和描述各類型的特徵。 由於數量性狀在自然群體或雜交後代的分離群體內,不同個體間表現為連續性變異,各個體不能用孟德爾方法作出明確的分組歸類,不能用分析質量性狀的方法來分析數量性狀,而是採用生物統計學的方法對性狀的遺傳變異作定量的描述,對性狀的遺傳動態進行研究。 然而質量性狀和數量性狀的劃分不是絕對的,例如: 對於同一種作物的同一性狀,在不同親本材料的雜交組合中可能表現不同,例如水稻和小麥等的株高。 有些性狀在主基因遺傳的基礎上,還存在一組微效基因—修飾基因,例如小麥和水稻種皮的紅(深紅或紫黑)色與白色,在一些雜交組合中表現為一對基因的分離,而在另外的一些雜交組合中,F2的子粒顏色呈不同程度的紅色而成為連續性變異,即表現出數量性狀變異的特徵。 在實際應用中,凡是容易受環境條件影響的性狀,都可以用研究數量性狀的方法去作遺傳分析。 數量性狀一般容易受環境條件的影響而發生變異,而這種變異是不能遺傳的。 由於環境條件的影響,即使是基因型純合一致的兩個親本(P1和P2)和基因型雜合一致的雜種一代(F1),各個個體也呈現出連續性變異,而不是一種基因型只有一個值;這種同一基因型群體內個體間的變異是由環境條件造成的,是不能遺傳的。對於F2代群體,既有由於基因分離所造成的個體間基因型差異所導致的表現型變異,又有由於環境條件的影響所造成的同一基因型的表現型差異;前一種變異是可遺傳的變異,後一種變異是不可遺傳的變異。這兩種變異結合在一起,使得F2代群體的連續性變異比其雙親和F1代都更廣泛, F2代的變異系數(CV)明顯地比P1、P2和F1的大。因此,准確地估算數量性狀由基因型差異引起的可遺傳的變異和由環境條件引起的不能遺傳的變異,對提高數量性狀育種的效率是非常重要的。
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Genetics and the saying goes, "plant melons and you get melons, sow beans and you get beans." This simple and concise language which truly reflects the universal law of the biological species from generation to generation. It has long been discovered organisms (including plants and animals and even human) characters can be transmitted from one generation to the next generation. This is genetic, the color is the reason why people like features such as the height of the reasons always look like their parents. Ecologists found in the colorful, mysterious phenomenon will have its genetic material foundation it is found in the nucleus DNA. Also composed of chromosomal DNA and protein. Every human nucleus of a mature cell containing 46 or 23 pairs of chromosomes. have tens of thousands of human genetic information stored in it directly with the naked eye can not even see the tiny little between their chromosomes. Back in the 18th century the 1960s, as genetic material DNA in the nuclei of pus were found. From the 1940s, scientists have discovered the 19th century with a film clip, the pneumococcal pathogenic nucleic acid extraction. Another film clip will not, the non-pathogenic cocci genetic trait change, into a film clip and the pneumococcal disease, the mystery goes without saying. DNA to carry a film clip of genetic information, such as sexual transmitted disease and another pathway, so DNA is the carrier of genetic information. Genetic material is the foundation. Higher biological complex genetic traits, and enormous amounts of information. There are 46 chromosomes in the DNA molecule so how can accommodate large amounts of information. This was perplexed mankind's age-old mystery. Scientists discovered in 1953 called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA, a DNA molecule) structure, The answer is only the truth of this mystery, a landmark discovery that won a Nobel Prize. more important is to bring about a revolutionary change in the field of life sciences. DNA is a biological macromolecules, the basic structure of tens of millions of units -- deoxynucleotidyl link from chainlike structure, Further further by the two chains together and come into the two-track train track Wanru shape sleeper section of the track is equivalent to one end connected to the one deoxynucleotidyl DNA molecule. Only four types of human DNA deoxynucleotidyl different chemical composition. repeat elements arranged in irregular and seems to turn up. Now that the 46 chromosomes containing about one billion deoxynucleotidyl CPC, which is equivalent to one billion pieces of a long sleeper tracks. Can be seen every one of the four types of chromosomes have deoxynucleotidyl great quantity, So four deoxynucleotidyl row from the end of the DNA molecule to the other end, there are a variety of sequencing. This particular deoxynucleotidyl sequencing hold infinite number of genetic information. Stored so many genetic traits to the long chain of human chromosomal DNA. When the average extension of up to four centimeters in length. even imagine it can be stuffed into a microscope to see the very small cells. Long-chain DNA molecules form a spiral structure in space first, and then after several circled and the bar-shape folded chromosome, the length incredible times to be reced by nearly 10,000, able to accommodate only six to seven microns in diameter of the nucleus. Generally speaking, heredity is determined by genes, cell division, nuclear or accuracy of the chromosome replication to a new set of chromosomes, deoxy nucleotide sequencing, and its cell structure and the same, Therefore, the parents of a comprehensive and correct transmission of genetic information to offspring. 23 pairs of chromosomes in the cells of human eggs, sperm cell from the father of 23, inherited his father's genetic information. Another 23 mothers from the mother's egg faithfully preserved genetic information, and consequently, Growth almost become characters in the offspring of parents is the "." This is the "fruit How can you get beans grow beans How can get melons" scientific truth lies. DNA is the genetic material foundation, the gene is located on chromosome DNA fragment organisms of different genes may determine different traits, can be described as a specific gene carrying the genetic information of a particular character, In fact it is the basic unit of heredity genes. Scientists speculate the body cells of chromosome 46 with a total of about 100,000 genes. This shows how great the human genetic information. Along with the rapid development of science and technology. Scientists in 1985 seeks to clarify the 46 human chromosomes 1 billion Deoxymononucleotides sequencing. This is awesome global Human Genome Project was launched in 1990, has achieved a great success People plan to make the full sequencing of the human genome completed in 2005. to decipher all human genetic information to enable mankind to the first fully self-understanding at the molecular level. Human genes determine the genetic traits of indivial characters through a variety of protein and is emerging. It is not difficult to imagine that genes control protein synthesis is necessary genetic information. This embedded in the gene can convey to the residence of protein to maintain a specific genetic trait. So if DNA is the carrier of genetic information, genetic protein is the discoverer. The molecular weight by linking thousands of amino acids -- basic unit. The human body is composed of 20 kinds of amino acid. amino acid protein in the form of thousands of different kinds of protein sequencing. with the implementation of their own specific functions, and represents a specific biological traits. Scientists through a long and arous exploration, found that the DNA information through other nucleic acids -- messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and protein relay. MRNA molecules from the four nucleotides (Note : deoxynucleotidyl DNA and the four completely different species) in different sequencing component. A chain molecule DNA sequencing can deoxynucleotidyl the strict guidance of the specific mRNA molecules proced nucleotide sequencing. This DNA molecules on the accurate transmission of genetic information to mRNA molecules, a process known as transcription. A specific gene, the DNA fragment, Genetic information can be transmitted through the transcription of the mRNA molecule which nucleotide sequencing. MRNA molecule three adjacent nucleotide sequencing was called codons. is one of the amino acids each codon codes, a 20 amino acids each codon. So the mRNA molecule sequencing genetic information that the codon can be strictly guided protein of 20 amino acid molecule sequencing. MRNA so that the genetic code is carried on in descending order of amino acids, linked to protein This process is known as translation. They can make the intrinsic link between a popular metaphor : mRNA molecule sequencing of the genetic code or code telegram ordering mRNA molecules are arranged in the codon translated into protein molecules of amino acid sequencing. and the cable can be translated into a series of codes is the precise meaning of the wording. What is truly amazing is that some of them have strange psychedelic various low. It does not use a set of higher organisms have complex genetic code, the implementation of similar genetic code Messenger RNA is the genetic information flows from DNA, and then the flow of protein. However, the genetic changes may also bring misfortune to Ecologists even human suffering. All things the development of a two-edged sword. Mankind in the long process of adaptation to changes in the external environment and survive, Nuclear gene unknowingly carried out extremely slow evolution, evolution and improvement, Genetic stability and gene evolution is the driving force behind evolution of biological species. If some genes in the human genetic change caused by congenital diseases, often with lifelong eroded. Hemophilia is a typical example. Because of a lack of a clotting factor disease, the patient's organs and tissues once sustained minor injuries, it will stop the bleeding. Due to the lack of clotting factor that makes the blood coagulate into pieces and the wounds difficult to stanch bleeding. Some genetic diseases. only one gene or replace the lost one deoxynucleotidyl on the whole lifelong disease caused by the loss of gene function. Apart from congenital genetic diseases, gene mutations acquired the disease may be triggered. Chemical carcinogen in the human body, will be integrated into the human DNA molecule, This interferes with the normal transmission of genetic information, resulting in malignant transformation of cells, the human body, trigger cancer. With the rise of molecular biology, and the rapid development of cutting-edge technology. Scientists have can be applied to "elements" have high-power microscope to see that even in the gene splicing, repair and replacement. Therefore, to conquer the many genetic diseases or diseases caused by gene mutations are not far off. Even according to the wishes of scientists to one foreign gene into a plant organisms can create a new species. This is the magic of genetic engineering. This is to prevent crop pests, improving livestock species, biological pharmacy, and so has tremendous value. Therefore, the master of the human genome and the genetic mysteries, they use it brought the benefit of mankind. its development prospects are very bright.
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